
Friday, May 26, 2006


The development of human, institutional and technological capacities of local Tanzanians is important in realizing sustainable poverty reduction and wealth creation. Community participation, involvement and ownership in development are paramount and ultimately important for so called developing economies. The Asian economic tigers worked around this thought, to fuel forward their exemplary economies in the 80s and 90s.
Sustainability and success will never be driven by borrowed ideologies, man-power and institutions. You will only get temporary relief out of these, just like taking paracetamol for yellow fever! Our country’s development has to be carried out by our own people, using our own locally developed capacities and man power. There have been concerns about our limitation and lack of capacities in some areas. We still lag behind other people in areas of education, professional, exposure to competition in markets, financing, infrastructure and others.
Our politicians and administrators have been using these arguments against the pro poor empowerment crusaders. I am not in denial of any part of these issues that happen to be public knowledge. But the joke here is these shortcomings are as a result of poor governance and planning. This is equally part of past trends of suppressing the voices of Tanzanians in the education, professional, cultural and governance issues! It is a result of a crime called building bureaucracy at the expense of the people. People centered development was replaced by bloated ambitious bureaucratic power development! That is what you get from the Government knows it all type of economy.
For the junior citizens like me, who were born after independence, we lived at a time a local Village Executive Officer is so powerful, barbaric and arrogant .This is person who will not answer anything logical, the best you could get out of them was-These are orders from above. They mastered this with zeal; you would think they have acquired classroom training in that area. These people decided that they had a right and monopoly of thinking on our behalf, because we were not well schooled then in the 70s, 80s and 90s!!So they practically did everything on our behalf, including mismanaging the economy, without consulting us in the name of NATIONAL INTEREST!!
So when they tell us they are privatizing public institutions (read giving out for free) because they were a burden to the economy, they are actually telling us –WE MISMANAGED YOUR LIFE AND MONEY WHILE YOU WERE AWAY! As if not enough because they have not laid basis for our education and capacity building in the last 40 plus years, they decided on our behalf giving them away for free to some foreign friends! This is a big shame! If it was those days of wahujumu uchumi, these people would surely deserve a court martial. That is why I believe in total involvement/participation of local communities in Natural resource governance. This is the only way to give back the power to the people of Tanzania. Our struggle for independence was about socio-economic empowerment as well as the right to enjoy civil liberties!! Our flag is not complete in itself without empowering the people!!
This takes us back to mining; Tanzania is blessed with almost all the minerals and natural resources that God could ever give in a single handing! Tanzania Mining sector has a more recent history compared to countries like South Africa and Sri-lanka.It has seen great changes right from 1890s when the Germans had their watch in Tanganyika, through rise of artisanal mining in the 60s, nationalization in the 70s and 80s and now Free Market/Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in the 90s and beyond. The legal-policy framework has also changed to match these developments, reactively or pro actively in other cases.
In the course of the last 25 years, successive governments have tried to bring development (read bureaucracy) closer to the people. We have currently a local government reform program and other sectoral development programs as the more recent of these processes. By the error of omission or commission MINING and TOURISM have never been put on this process, atleast not with the aim of public accountability in mind.
There are many testimonials of how pastoralists and farmers wake in the morning finding their land taken away by mining prospectors. This is where you are given 30 days eviction orders for encroaching mining licences that you were never made aware of despite living hundred years on that land. Others get shot or mauled by dogs in the name of security. For those who don’t know this it is only Mererani and Ngorongoro, where locals have to get special passes and identity cards (Kipande) in a country that has no National Identity cards! This is where the District Commissioner most envious work is issuing eviction and deportation orders to Tanzanians! It is here that over 200 hundred million shillings is spent to build almost 20 km sq of barbed wire and security, to keep away the unwanted nosy Tanzanians! Ironically it is here where majority of child bearing women die during birth for lack of maternal health facility and over half of the girls don’t go past class 7 while only handful actually go to university .It is here where there is no a single kilometer of tarmac road! It is here that people drink contaminated water! It is also here that you find high prevalence of HIV/AIDS with no obvious public strategy to counter it!!
Unfortunately it is here that the District Administration knows very little about community governance, transparency and public accountability. The district and village councils have little control over the Natural resources and revenues that come with it. Under the Village Land Act 1999, the responsibility over the land in general is held by the Village council in trust for village assembly (Resident Villagers).All decisions on the allocation of land or investment are done through the Village Assembly consent. In practice, it happens in every other investment apart from Mining.
If agriculture has been decentralized and community involvement achieved right from sub village to district mining, why not Mining? Why is there so much secrecy in the sector to the extent that the Local authorities (not DCs) are rarely involved or briefed? Why the only wananchi’s contact with Mining issues is is through the Media, Mining extension services (if lucky) or the DC issuing eviction orders from Kamati za ulinzi na usalama! Who said Mining cannot be decentralized? Let’s learn from Botswana and Sri Lanka!!Their success has been built on empowering people and public servants being accountable to the people! We don’t need people who want to think for us and later blame us for being poorly schooled! Wake up Wananchi! We should walk their walk and take charge of our destiny before we are taken through another failed experiment!!
Long live Tanzania! Long live our Tanzanian spirit!!


Wednesday, May 03, 2006

From: "amani mustafa"

Date: 3 May 2006
To: pm@pmo.go.tz
Cc: ps@pmo.go.tz, info@pmotz.org
Subject: barua ya wazi kwa Mhe Lowassa-Uchunguzi Mererani

Kwako Mhe Lowassa
Kutokana na habari zilizonukuliwa magazetini na malalamiko yanayomgusa Mhe Lawrence Masha..naibu Waziri wa Madini na Mkurugenzi wa AFGEM,uzalendo umenishinda.
Ndugu Waziri Mkuu,tunashukuru kuwa uliagiza Waziri husika na Madini kutembelea Mererani baada ya malalamiko ya wana-Mererani hivi majuzi ulipokuja kwa ziara ya kikazi.Hii yote ilitokana na uchungu ulionao kuona uozo ulioko katika sekta ya madini unaondoka kabisa.Mhe Rais pia, amesisitiza azma yake kuondoa kero zote zilizoko katika sekta ya madini ili kuleta manufaa ya kweli katika eneo hili.
Mhe Waziri Mkuu,tatizo la Mererani sio geni kwani tangu serikali ya awamu ya pili kulikuwa na vijimambo.Ila katika awamu ya tatu,ndio mwanzo wa mpasuko huu mkubwa wa kijamii na kiuchumi sio tu Mererani bali hata Machimbo ya dhahabu Geita,Bulyanhulu na Nyamongo-Tarime.
Kwa kweli nafikiri tofauti na Bulyanhulu sehemu iliundiwa tume na kamati nyingi zaidi za uchunguzi ni Mererani.Mhe.Waziri Mkuu,pamoja na maagizo yako yenye nia nzuri kumuuagiza Mhe Dr Msabaha kuja Mererani kusikiliza kero za wananchi,zoezi hili limegubikwa na
Waziri husika badala ya kuja mwenyewe aliagiza maafisa wake kuja kukusanya maoni ya wadau kuhusu tatizo la Mererani.Watendaji hawa ndio wale wale ambao wamekuwa miaka nenda rudi wakipuuzia malalamiko ya wananchi na hata kutoa vitisho kwa wanaonyesha uzalendo wao.Watu hawa hawana dhamira ya kweli ya kutatua tatizo hili,bali ndio walewale wanaolea uchafu huu.Wala sioni kama wana jipya..tumewazoea walivyo.Naomba kuorodhesha mapungufu ya uchunguzi wao na yanayokatisha tamaa ifuatayo..

a)Hawakuzingatia utawala bora kwani Watumishi hawa hawakuwa na ratiba iwe ya maandishi au kauli kuhusu wapi watakapokuwa,lini watakuwepo,nani watakutana nao,lipi litajadiliwa..Hii ilitakiwa kila mwananchi aliye mdau na kero alifahamu angalau siku mbili kabla.

b)Hawakushirikisha wadau wa tanzanite kwa dhana pana ya ushirikishwaji.Wala sijui kama wanafahamu wadau ni akina nani?Tabia ile ile ya kuwachukulia kuwa wenye leseni ya kuchimba na wanunuzi wakubwa(master dealers)peke yao ndio wadau wa Tanzanite ni dhana
muflis inayozaa majungu na fujo.Hebu fikiria mamlaka inayosimamia ardhi chini ya Sheria ya ardhi ya vijiji 1999 hazikuhusishwa,hivi serikali hadi ngazi ya wilaya Simanjiro(tofauti na DC binafsi) zipo kwa maandishi tu au ni ya kweli,au wafugaji ambao maeneo yao ya malisho yamechukuliwa kibabe au akina mama wanaofanya kazi kutoa huduma ndani ya eneo hilo sio wadau!!
Kwa mtu yeyote anayeenda kufanya utafiti/uchunguzi/upembuzi ni lazima awe na mwongozo kuhusu wadau(inventory),atakavyowafikia na kuwahusisha kuhusu maslahi yao.

C)Hawa watu walikuja Mererani na Arusha wakiwa na mawazo yaliyojengeka awali(fixed mind).Waliokutana nao(japo wachache)walionyeshwa kukatishwa tamaa na mazungumzo yao.Lengo lao ilikuwa kutafuta wachawi kwa lengo la kuwaridhisha mabwana zao.Mi sitashangaa ripoti hiyo ya Waziri wa Madini kwako ikisema hamna tatizo ili ni wachochezi wachache na wavuta bangi tu au kuna kikundi kinacholipwa ili kuchochea vurugu na matajiri fulani!!Ripoti ya Meja Jenerali(mstaafu)Mangenya iliwataja watu wa Mererani majina ya aina hii pia mwaka 2000.
Yale yale mpe mbwa jina baya ili umuue kirahisi!!

Ndugu Waziri Mkuu,serikali yako haihitaji mambo kufanyika kwa uficho au kuogopana kwenye maslahi ya taifa.Mazoea ya watendaji miaka iliyopita isiwe kikwazo kwa serikali yako hii iliyopewa nafasi kubwa kuwatetea wanyonge.
Mhe Waziri Mkuu,sioni haja ya kufanya uchunguzi mwingine wa warasimu hawa,utakaotumia hela nyingi za wafuja jasho!!Mwaka juzi wakati wa bajeti ya Wizara ya nishati na madini 2004/05,Bunge letu tukufu lilimuunga mkono Mbunge(zamani)Mhe Parsenko Kone kwa kuazimia
kuunda kamati ya Bunge kuchunguza ukiukwaji wa haki za binadamu na kero za Mererani.
Uamuzi huu wa Bunge letu tukufu,uliuawa kikatili ndani na nje ya Bunge!!Kuna maelezo mengi sana kuhusu kilichotokea baada ya hapo ndani ya taratibu za Bunge!!Ila tunafahamu aliyefanya hivyo alitaka kuficha ukweli kwa njia ile ile walivyozuia ripoti ya Tume ya
Uchunguzi ya Jenerali (mstaafu)Robert Mboma 2002.

Mhe Waziri Mkuu tatizo liko Mererani na litaendelea kuwepo kama hatua za dhati hazitachukuliwa na wapenda amani na heshima ya taifa letu.Inashangaza kuwa kuna viongozi ambao wanahoji uzalendo wa Watanzania waliokuita siku ile Mererani kukuelezea kero zao.Hawa
ni viongozi ambao wamekuwa kwa muda mrefu wakijaribu kunyamazisha kilio cha wanyonge!!!
Wizara ya Nishati na Madini halina jipya,na ndio maana tunaomba kupitia kwako kama kiongozi ya serikali Bungeni kutuletea kamati ya Bunge.Wabunge wasiofungamana na upande wowote,walio na uchungu na
nchi yao!!Ila uchunguzi huu wa Wizara ya madini hadi sasa ni usanii kwa kweli!!

(Mwanasheria na Mwanaharakati wa haki za binadamu)

COORDINATOR-Non profit making organisation
Physical Address:CCM Stadium Building Mererani

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Friday, April 28, 2006

mining industry is a minefield for JK

Its been short 3 or 4 weeks since JK declared intentions to review the mining contracts in Tanzania.In a very interesting ways so much has been happening in both political and administrative front.There has been a lot of hush in the corridors of power and maybe loud ones on other fronts.Mererani for example, a visit by Prime Minister Edward Lowassa,what would normally have been intended to focus on Dume condom launch,turned into a shouting match.The local ASM miners decided to demand audience from the Premier on what has been for a longtime been their own Public nuisance in the backyard.The appeals for calm by the Regional and district administration authorities turned in a political duel.
`We want to talk to Lowassa about AFGEM' they cried on and on to the levels of crippling the set schedules.Only Premiers intervention soothed them into being patient till the end of the set launch,then they could get a hearing.Immediately the launch ended ,one person after the other who were given chance to address the Premier talked of AFGEM`s Human Rights violations,So called Mererani controlled area ,alleged cover-up by local officials and poor community governance in the mining sector.
Then the ever jovial Premier stood high and ordered immediate investigation and action on most of the allegations.What followed could be every bodys guess-there has been a commitee from the Ministy of Energy and Minerals doing rounds collecting views from the locals in Mererani and Arusha.Why am I saying that Mining contracts review is a minefield for JK?
1-All these contracts are a result of a process that started in early 90s under the generous funding from World Bank!!Its no secret that massive push for FDI is a deliberate WB strategy.Is JK wiling to reverse the process?
2-Under the Development agreement with the Foreign investors in the mining sector,there is deliberate legal clause that protects the FDI against Nationalisation or any attempts to review of the terms and conditions of the contracts during the lifetime of the contract-25 years+ .I am sure that Honourable Lawrence Masha knows how strong this will carry the day if they go to the legal battles..Which brings to the next huddle..
3-The Mining department is full of so called accomplices of the public reap off..Lets be serious is JK really ready to trust Hon Lawrence Masha to be non- partisan in a reversal of process against AFGEM/Tanzanite One for example.For those who dont know Hon Lau Masha...here is something for your thoughts..Mr Lau is one brilliant lawyer who operates in partnership under IMMA(Ishengoma,Masha,Mujuluzi,Magai)ADVOCATES.This firm is questionably identified in the Mboma commission report 2002 as a firm holding shares in AFGEM intrust for Local Tanzanians..(read some Tanzanians)..So in simple language Hon Lau Masha is a Company secretary and a director in AFGEM/Tanzanite One.So while a poor Maasai pastoralists taxes pays for his Ministerial luxuries..he still fetches a handsome paycheck from next door(AFGEM).Total conflict of interest and blatant reap off!!
In the same breath lets agree thet Mining sector reform is been carried out by WB money,WB trained personnel and some are even paid from the WB mining sector support kitty!!God forbid!!How do you expect this people who have been meddling in this mud since 1992 to come clean at this hour for the interest of the nation..
Most of them earn handsomely from mining consultancies commissioned by the Breton woods institutions!!!Thats why I was personally not surprised by Dr Kipokolas report on the Mining sector2005 ..There is no problem we are told by his report.WHAT A SHAME FOR THE POOR TANZANIAN S WHO TOOK YOU TO SCHOOL ..

4-Hon Lowassa, we have some reports that are rotting in the shelves,latest by the name Mboma commission report..Do you think really Hon Dr Msabaha and the mining department are so much of geniuses to produce a totally unique report that our decorated rtd General Mboma couldn't??I also dont think they have the guts to tackle their own filth..IM TOLD THE MINING OFFICIALS GOING ROUND COLLECTING VIEWS ARE INFACT HAVING BEHIND THE DOOR MEETINGS(with hand picked individuals) AND THREATENING MINE OWNERS AND DEALERS WHO SPEAK AGAINST AFGEM..Lets await their report..just like kipokolas -No problem!!!
I dont admire being in JK`s or Lowassa`s shoes ..If I ever think of going into politics I will pray not to live with such headaches in my hands!!
May God protect and give wisdom to JK and PM!!! Long live Tanzania!!!